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Cardinal Cart

Cardinal Cart is the final product of Mr. Snodgrass' passion project. It is intended to increase the number of students who participate in Engineering and Computer Science classes. 


Project Timeline

Project Synopsis

The Why:

  • The number of students in Engineering and Computer Science classes are dramatically lower after Covid.

  • Students are not signing up for dual credit classes across the board.​



  • The overall goal is to recruit more students into the Engineering & Computer Science classes by giving them a hands-on opportunity to interact with curricular concepts by constructing their own Mario Cart.



  • Community support really helped to move this project forward. Many local companies donate money and in kind donations to put this project in motion.  


Next Steps:

  • The goal for this first semester is to work with our robotics students to confirm the systems work and instructions are complete. Then, second semester we want to open it up to new students. 

Design Idea 

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University of Indianapolis student on cart idea. 

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